
“Give someone a fish and they’ll eat for a day. Teach someone to fish and they’ll eat for a lifetime.”

Lao Tzu’s proverb lies at the foundation of Friend Indeed. This service is tailored to individuals aiming to enhance their well-being. Encompassing a holistic perspective, addressing the mental and physical aspects of wellbeing, Friend Indeed is here to help those who seek it.

The idea of Friend Indeed was conceived during a particularly tumultuous period of my life. Fortunately, instead of being given a fish I was shown how to catch my own. Inspired by this, I decided to provide an anonymous and non-clinical service for engaging in conversations, giving support, and exploring strategies for improving mental and physical fitness.

I want to clarify that I am not a medical expert; rather, someone who is passionate about aiding others based on my personal experiences, research and reflections.

Think progress, not perfection
— Ryan Holiday